Jana Mareková
Canicross, Skijoring

5x Slovak Champion Canicross
1x Women's Champion Canicross 22nd Triple Crown Trophy in Tarvisio, Italy (2022)
1x Slovak Champion Skijoring (2020)
7th place European Championship Belgium (2019)
Lots of 1st and 2nd places in international competition in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia in 2016-2020
My name is Jana Marekova and together with my first dog Luna, we started Canicross 7 years ago. My whole life is connected with the outdoor lifestyle and animals. When I was 10 years old I started horseback riding and until now I’m still competing in show jumping. I also have some experience in riding dressage and international Extreme cowboy races.
Last few years I fell in love with sledge dog mono sport. I had never run before I met my boyfriend Stefan (who is also part of Fitmin Team), so 9 years ago I ran my first 10km☺️. At the moment we have 4dogs - Luna, Ilvy (4 years), Orca and Lucifer (10 months). Ilvy and Lucifer are Stefan’s and Luna with Orca are mine :)
Luna - 8years old Alaskan husky born in Germany is the one who has changed our lives completely and she pulled me to the finish line in lots of races. She loves racing and winning. Luna as mid-distance dog does not have such speed and power to race against sprint dogs in European and World champs, but we completed with lots of nice results in these kinds of races too :)- ECF Czech, ECF Italy, IFSS Poland, ICF Poland where we mostly ended up in the middle of results. But in Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary we were always on stage☺️ My second dog is 2 year old Scandinavian hound Orca born in the Netherlands from a very famous kennel of Stefan Donker- multiple European and world champion in 6dogs class on snow. Orca is only 23kg but as her name says - she is full of power and always ready to “fight”, in races of course in her first year of racing she won each competition where she started from her first race Fitmin cup Slovakia 2019, International race in Hungary, Slovak Championship 2019. And our biggest success together was in Orca’s age of only 16 months we ended up 7th in hard muddy European Championship Chevetogne Belgium 2019 just few sec from podium positions ☺️.
We have also been organizing individual mushing events in Slovakia for already 4years. Our races “Fitmin cup” powered by Fitmin are very favorite in Slovakia and people from many other countries are coming to compete every year.
Our doggies are powered (fed) by Fitmin Purity dry food, purity meat, supplements-vitamins Sport and regeneration, Joints and Immunity. And they love treats from Fitmin too. With this great food, they are healthy, happy and full of energy and power.
We are very proud to be part of the amazing International Fitmin team and show people around the world how important it is to have the best quality food for their athletes.
You can follow us on Instagram and facebook “dogwear.sk”