Fitmin dog Purity GF Senior&Light Lamb

Fitmin Purity LAMB MENU - ein getreidefreies Futter der Extraklasse mit hohem Lammfleischanteil.

23,3% Rohprotein, 11,4% Rohfett, 4% Rohfaser, 6,8% Rohasche, 1,5% Calcium, 0,9% Phosphor


67 % PROTEINS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Full-value food with reduced energy content, suitable for overweight and senior dogs LAMB is an excellent source of B vitamins, which are essential for metabolic reactions in the body (e.g. B12 and thiamine). Lamb meat contains zinc, essential for growth, healing and a healthy immune system. PUMPKIN is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. It also contains vitamin K, a variety of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and copper. Pumpkin has a great effect on digestion and effectively protects against diarrhea, constipation or other digestive problems. PEAS contain fibre, which has a positive function in digestion. They are also a source of protein and helps prevent the formation of urinary stones. Peas have a much lower glycemic index than the conventional grains. Products with high glycemic index are digested and absorbed more quickly, and this leads to a rapid rise and fall of the glucose levels in blood. In contrast, products with low glycemic index enable a more stable response of glucose in the bloodstream. Products with low glycemic index also help reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. APPLES are a rich source of trace elements and vitamins, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, which are among the antioxidants involved in protecting the body from the negative effects of free radicals. Pectins contained mainly in apple skins have a positive effect on digestion. ROSEHIP - as a rich source of vitamin C, has a preventive effect on the healthy functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys, strengthens the immune system. BLACKCURRANT- an ingredient rich in vitamins and minerals. It has a positive effect on slowing down the aging process, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. BALM - helps relaxation, release and ensures good digestion. FLAXSEED - is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids for good condition of skin and coat. Stimulates the immune system and soothes digestion. MILK THISTLE for its antioxidant properties, promotes the growth of liver cells, has a positive effect on the liver function and protects against toxins.


50% frisches Lammfleisch, 17,5% getocknetes Lammfleisch, 3% Schweineleber, Kartoffel, 15,5% Erbsen, entzuckerter Zuckerrübenbrei, Hühnerfett, 3% Apfel, Leinsamen, Bierhefe, kaltgepresstes Öl von norwegischem Lachs, 1% Kräuterkomplex (Brennnesselblätter, Zitronenmelisse, Löwenzahnblätter, Kamille und Lindenblütenblätter), Alfalfa, Kürbis, 0,5% schwarze Johannisbeere, 0,4% Shitake Pilze, Zichorienwurzel, Spinat, Flohsamen, Mariendistelsamen, Glukosamine, Chondroitinsulfat, Yucca, 0,01% Hagebutte und ein Komplex aus natürlichen Antioxidantien