Fitmin dog Purity GF Puppy Fish

Fitmin Purity FISH MENU - ein getreidefreies Welpenfutter der Extraklasse mit hohem Fisch- und Lammanteil.

30% Rohprotein, 20,5% Rohfett, 3% Rohfaser, 6,5% Rohasche, 1,35% Calcium, 1% Phosphor


78% PROTEINS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Complete food for puppies and pregnant or lactating females of all breeds FISH is a source of full-value proteins, fat with high biological value, vitamins A and D and B-group minerals - in addition to phosphorous, fluorine and sodium it is especially iodine, which is essential for proper thyroid function. GINGER - for excellent anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on improving digestion as it promotes absorption and helps in the treatment associated with digestive problems. It helps the overall detoxification of the body. PUMPKIN is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E. It also contains vitamin K, a variety of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and copper. Pumpkin has a great effect on digestion and effectively protects against diarrhea, constipation or other digestive problems. PEAS contain fibre, which has a positive function in digestion. They are also a source of protein and helps prevent the formation of urinary stones. Peas have a much lower glycemic index than the conventional grains. Products with high glycemic index are digested and absorbed more quickly, and this leads to a rapid rise and fall of the glucose levels in blood. In contrast, products with low glycemic index enable a more stable response of glucose in the bloodstream. Products with low glycemic index also help reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. BLACKCURRANT is an ingredient rich in vitamins and minerals. It has a positive effect on slowing down the aging process, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. FLAXSEED is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids for good condition of skin and coat. It stimulates the immune system and soothes digestion. MILK THISTLE for its antioxidant properties, promotes the growth of liver cells, has a positive effect on the liver function and protects against toxins. NETTLE is an effective feedstock supporting blood purification and thus the overall detoxification of the body, has a positive effect on the kidneys and bladder. It also contains silicic acid which has a very beneficial effect on the health of bones, eyes, teeth, cartilage, connective tissue, tendons and joints.


25% frischer Hering, 25% frisches Lammfleisch, 16% getockneter Frisch, 20% getocknetes Lamm, Kartoffel, 15,3% Erbsen, Hühnerfett, entzuckerter Zuckerrübenbrei, Bierhefe, Leinsamen, Äpfel, kaltgepresstes Öl von norwegischem Lachs, 1% Kräuterkomplex (0,23% Brennnesselblätter, Zitronenmelisse, Löwenzahnblätter, Kamille und Lindenblütenblätter), 0,8% schwarze Johannisbeere, 0,5% Kürbis, 0,4% Shitake Pilze, Zichorienwurzel, Mariendistelsamen, Yucca, 0,05% Ingwer und ein Komplex aus natürlichen Antioxidantien